Facelift Without Surgery




Facelift Without Surgery is a true DIY face exercise program that women and men all over
the world are buzzing about! It’s the face aerobics toning system that employs simple facelift
exercises to remove wrinkles and tighten wrinkly, sagging skin.

Facelift Without Surgery teaches simple face exercises for those who wish to LOOK YOUNGER using the combination of
acupressure and facial massage regimens. The program demonstrates how to attain a non-surgical facelift USING THE
FINGERTIPS instead of the scalpel. It works fast! You can easily look a decade younger WITHIN 30 DAYS! Results can
already be seen in as little as 4 days of starting this face yoga system.

Looking younger for men and women has never been simpler: an acupressure facelift is easy to maintain and involves the
massaging of certain nodal points on the face and body on a daily basis for the first 30 days. Then the results can be
maintained 2 or 3 times a week. The regimens only take a few minutes, so they are ideal for people who are on the go.

In her ebook Facelift Without Surgery, Wendy Wilken demonstrates the facial exercise routines on each of the energy

points. The system uses ancient Chinese facial yoga regimens that take mere minutes to apply(1 minute for each of the

acupressure points), and are very easy to learn.

The benefits of this natural facial toning methodology illustrated in her downloadable ebook are:

  • You WILL look younger, have less face lines, firmer skin, and more facial color and glow


  •   Eye bags and dark circles around the eyes will be diminished or completely eradicated


  •   Sagging jowls and chubby cheeks will be tightened and lifted. Hollow cheeks will fill out


  •     This form of non-invasive facelift is easy to maintain


  •   You WILL feel and appear less stressed


  •   You may get some relief from regular headaches, migraines, and sinus problems


  •   Your digestion might improve


  •   Certain internal organs may function better e.g. Kidneys, lungs, heart, intestines, liver


  •   You WILL have conducted your own non-invasive facelift!

Wendy Wilken is featured in the downloadable ebook. At the time of the photos on this web page, she was 31 years old,

had 2 kids and was not wearing any makeup. She is living proof that these easy-to-learn facial aerobics exercises work

miracles on the face! Feel free to browse this web page for more information on the ultimate anti-aging treatment.

  •  Are your looks fading?

Facelift Without Surgery will make you look considerably younger using acupressure.

  • Do you look in the mirror and see creases and wrinkles deepening?

Your lines will soften or disappear with these facial yoga exercises.

  • Do you see the bags under your eyes getting heavier?           

Face exercises will halt and reduce the fatty deposits in eye bags and lessen dark rings.

  • Do you observe the skin on your face and neck beginning to sag?

This facelift exercise program will lift and firm the sagging skin.

  • Thinking of undergoing expensive plastic surgery to look younger?

        Hassle-free, no-knife, no-surgeon, free natural facelift with Wendy’s 30 day acupressure program.


  • Feel helpless to stop the aging process?                               

Aging in the face and neck will be reversed using face gymnastics principles.

  • Feel life is passing you by as you get older, and that time has taken its toll on your face and neck?

       Your face and neck will regain its glow and youth with these simple facial yoga workouts.                            


  • Learn how to reduce, or completely get rid of all sorts of wrinkles on the face and neck: Forehead lines, eye wrinkles and
    crow’s feet, smile and laugh folds, nasal lines, fine lines around the mouth and lips, neck wrinkles and creases.

  • Discover easy facial yoga routines to tighten and lift sagging face and neck skin: Raise and tone baggy face skin, chubby
    cheeks, double chin, sagging hog jowls, and saggy turkey neck.

  • Find out how to plump up and fill out hollow eye sockets, gaunt cheeks, and bony lower neck problems with natural facial
    exercise reshaping workouts.

  • Learn how  to cure unsightly bags under the eyes, dark eye circles and “racoon” rings.

  • Learn to use yoga facial workouts to re-sculpture and sharpen the features of your face and neck for a new and better
    looking you.

  • Discover where to locate the acupressure points on the face, neck, hands, and arms, and how to massage them to turbo-
    boost your non-surgical facelift to new levels, in a faster time period. Only a few minutes a week is all that’s really
    necessary to maintain your glowing natural facelift once you have attained it!

  • Wendy reveals to women and men how to relax and de-stress while massaging the acupressure points for better results.
    Face acupressure exercises help other areas of the body to function better such as the spleen, digestion, liver, and
    kidneys. Facial toning also aids sleep disorders, digestion, headaches, and many others…

  • Discover how to harness the body’s natural energy, and to channel it to certain areas in the head, face, and neck to halt
    and reverse aging symptoms and cell degeneration.